Learn about Dogtopia coming to Maynard Crossing
What is Dogtopia?
Dogtopia is a modern daycare and spa for dogs that has over 230 locations nationwide and would be located at 15 Digital Way in Maynard Crossing.
Will Dogtopia create any jobs locally to Maynard?
Yes, each Dogtopia will require 20-25 full and part time jobs.
Will any dogs be walked around Maynard Crossing?
No, dogs will only be allowed inside the proposed Dogtopia facility.
Will this be a kennel?
No, while the zoning amendment being sought at a Special Town Meeting is to allow for a “Kennel-Commercial use in the NBOD,” (due to some overnight boarding that will take place in the Dogtopia facility) this will not be run as a kennel. The “Kennel – Commercial” use is currently allowed in the underlying Industrial district that Maynard Crossing is located in. This use was not carried over to the NBOD uses at the time the NBOD was created. The noise, air and waste management will all be highly regulated.
Will the other tenants and patrons of Maynard Crossing hear the dogs?
No, the building will be soundproofed, and in fact, many tenants (both residential and commercial) have signed letters in support of the Dogtopia coming to Maynard Crossing.
Where will the Dogtopia be located in Maynard Crossing?
The Dogtopia facility will be in the northeast corner of Maynard Crossing in the 15 Digital Way (R2) building (the Planet Fitness building) adjacent to the Maynard Veterinary Clinic.
Feel free to contact Capital Group Properties regarding this Dogtopia plan at rjdepietri@cgpllc.net or call 508-768-7972 with any questions.